
Floating Horns

Floating Horns (Rare)

Category: Rare Traits

Horns are disconnected and float.

Can be combined with Connected Horns and animal horn shapes!

**NOTE: you do NOT need extras of this trait if you picked the extra Horns!


Hooves (Rare)

Category: Rare Traits

Can be normal horse hooves or cloven!


Skinned (Mythic)

Category: Mythic Traits

The Skinned trait allows for your Grimgryn to have meat like patterns or "skinned" bodyparts.
These could look like:

  • Degloved hands, arms or legs.
  • Skinned face
  • Skinned spots on the arms, thighs and torso
Double Jaw

Double Jaw (Mythic)

Category: Mythic Traits

Allows for your Grimgryn or Krathian to have two mouths!

Object Tail

Object Tail (Mythic)

Category: Mythic Traits

Allows for an Object tail!

Bleeding Entity Eye

Bleeding Entity Eye (Mythic)

Category: Mythic Traits
Species: Grimgryns

Eye is shown to be bleeding or dripping.

Tentacle Growth

Tentacle Growth (Mythic)

Category: Mythic Traits
Species: Grimgryns

Allows for tentacle growth!


Tentacle tails!


Halos (Mythic)

Category: Mythic Traits

Adds halos to your Grimgryn!

**NOTE: will need this trait for each halo!

Color Changing (Mythic)

Category: Mythic Traits

Can switch between two color pallets!

Opalescent Markings

Opalescent Markings (Mythic)

Category: Mythic Traits

Allows for any markings to take on a opalescent shine!

Teeth Growth

Teeth Growth (Mythic)

Category: Mythic Traits

Teeth Growth on body!

Floating arms

Floating arms (Mythic)

Category: Mythic Traits

Arms are detached from the elbows down and can float. If  you have extra arms they can have the same trait applied.

**NOTE the example in this image has the paw trait which if your voidie has regular hands this works for them as well!

Animal Horn Shape

Animal Horn Shape (Mythic)

Category: Mythic Traits

Allows for horns you choose to be more animalistic.


Bone exposure (Spliced)

Category: Spliced Traits
Species: Grimgryns (Undead subtype)

Add bone exposure to your Grimgryn.

Can look like:

  • Exposed ribs
  • Exposed tail tip
  • Exposed spinal cord
  • Exposed arm and leg bones

Can be paired with other traits for some cool effects.

Dripping core (Spliced)

Category: Spliced Traits
Species: Grimgryns (Undead subtype)

The Grimgryn core has been removed. 

Hole drips with entity liquid or blood.


Porcelain Parts (Spliced)

Category: Spliced Traits
Species: Grimgryns (Plush subtype)

Allows for your Grimgryn to have limbs of porcelain or ceramic.

Cybernetic Enhancements (Spliced)

Category: Spliced Traits

Not quite man-made yet not organic. This allows for cybernetic parts such as:

  • Visors
  • Cybernetic limbs
  • Cybernetic tail
  • Weaponized tails
    • Think plasma cannons, futuristic technological weapons.

Note: You will need this trait multiple times for each part. 

Galaxy Hair (Spliced)

Category: Spliced Traits
Species: Grimgryns (Astral Ancient subtype)

Adds Galaxy hair to your Grimgryn signifying them as a Astral Ancient!

  • Can affect all fur

**Note this trait is only usable on Astral Ancient subtypes! 

Twin Lifestars (Spliced)

Category: Spliced Traits
Species: Grimgryns (Astral Ancient subtype)

Adds two Lifestars to a Grimgryn signifying them as a Astral Ancient! 
Lifecores can be placed:

  • one on the chest or one on the forehead
  • two on the chest

**Note this trait is only usable on Astral Ancient subtypes!

Doll Joints (Spliced)

Category: Spliced Traits
Species: Grimgryns (Plush subtype)

Allows for a Ball Jointed Doll look.

79 results found.