
Object Growth

Object Growth (Rare)

Category: Rare Traits

Covers one type of non living objects!

Can be present on any body part OR replace the body part with said material.

Example: candy, food, crystals, etc.

**NOTE: Mechanical  or cybernetic materials are restricted!

Shaped Pupils (Rare)

Category: Rare Traits

Shaped Pupils used for:

Entity Tank Eye

False eyes

Body eye growth!

Connected Horns

Connected Horns (Rare)

Category: Rare Traits

Horns are one connected solid piece!

Sometimes resemble a crown or false halo.

Scales, Plating, Exoskeleton (Rare)

Category: Rare Traits

Allows for scale clusters, plating or exoskeleton!

Wings (Rare)

Category: Rare Traits

Wings of any type!

Must have this trait multiple times for each set of wings!

**NOTE: excluding mechanical wings or bone wings.


Hooves (Rare)

Category: Rare Traits

Can be normal horse hooves or cloven!

Floating Horns

Floating Horns (Rare)

Category: Rare Traits

Horns are disconnected and float.

Can be combined with Connected Horns and animal horn shapes!

**NOTE: you do NOT need extras of this trait if you picked the extra Horns!

Terrarium Tank (Rare)

Category: Rare Traits
Species: Grimgryns

Sometimes your entity will get bored and will decorate it's container.

This trait allows for you to create a terrarium like environment for your entity.

This USUALLY is based around the theme of your Grimgryn!

Taur (Rare)

Category: Rare Traits
Species: Grimgryns

This allow for the centaur or sphynx like body! 

Opalescent Markings

Opalescent Markings (Mythic)

Category: Mythic Traits

Allows for any markings to take on a opalescent shine!

Color Changing (Mythic)

Category: Mythic Traits

Can switch between two color pallets!


Halos (Mythic)

Category: Mythic Traits

Adds halos to your Grimgryn!

**NOTE: will need this trait for each halo!

Bleeding Entity Eye

Bleeding Entity Eye (Mythic)

Category: Mythic Traits
Species: Grimgryns

Eye is shown to be bleeding or dripping.

Teeth Growth

Teeth Growth (Mythic)

Category: Mythic Traits

Teeth Growth on body!

Floating arms

Floating arms (Mythic)

Category: Mythic Traits

Arms are detached from the elbows down and can float. If  you have extra arms they can have the same trait applied.

**NOTE the example in this image has the paw trait which if your voidie has regular hands this works for them as well!

Tentacle Growth

Tentacle Growth (Mythic)

Category: Mythic Traits
Species: Grimgryns

Allows for tentacle growth!


Tentacle tails!

Animal Horn Shape

Animal Horn Shape (Mythic)

Category: Mythic Traits

Allows for horns you choose to be more animalistic.


Insectoid Parts (Mythic)

Category: Mythic Traits

Adds the following traits:


  • Insect Tail
  • Mandibles
  • Bug style horns
  • Beetle and Snail shells
    • can have their elytra if beetle is chosen
  • Spider legs on back

Will need multiple to have each of the different options!

Smog Leak (Mythic)

Category: Mythic Traits

Allows for the following:

  • hair and fur to be made of thick smoke.
  • smoke emitting tail tip.

If paired with floating limbs they can be  made of smoke!

Will need multiple to have each effect!

Double Jaw

Double Jaw (Mythic)

Category: Mythic Traits

Allows for your Grimgryn or Krathian to have two mouths!

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