Multiple Ears (Standard)
Category: Standard Traits
Allows for an extra set of ears.
- Must have second multi ear trait for more ears!
**Note the visual shows 3 sets of ears, you can have up to three sets of ears max! This trait can stack twice!**
Two-Toned Entity eye (Standard)
Category: Standard Traits
Species: Grimgryns
Allows for Entity eye to havea two colored gradient!
Tubes along back (Standard)
Category: Standard Traits
Tubes along the back! Can have liquid in them!
Spines along back (Standard)
Category: Standard Traits
Spines along the back, Can be any shape or size!
False Eyes (Standard)
Category: Standard Traits
Species: Grimgryns
False eyes that are either:
Eye markings
Follow me eyes
These can be on the face.
Webbing (Standard)
Category: Standard Traits
Species: Grimgryns
Allows for webbed feet or hands on your Grimgryn!
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